Decorator Functions

pcapkit.utilities.decorators contains several useful decorators, including seekset() and beholder().


Read file from start then set back to original.


This decorator function is designed for decorating class methods.

The decorator will keep the current offset of self._file, then call the decorated function. Afterwards, it will rewind the offset of self._file to the original and returns the return value from the decorated function.


The decorated function should have following signature:

func(self, *args, **kw)

func (Callable[[Protocol, ParamSpec(P)], TypeVar(R)]) – decorated function

Return type

Callable[[ParamSpec(P)], TypeVar(R)]


Behold extraction procedure.


This decorator function is designed for decorating class methods.

This decorate first keep the current offset of self._file, then try to call the decorated function. Should any exception raised, it will re-parse the self._file as Raw protocol.


The decorated function should have following signature:

func(self, proto, length, *args, **kwargs)

func (Callable[[Protocol, int, Optional[int], ParamSpec(P)], TypeVar(R)]) – decorated function

Return type

Callable[[ParamSpec(P)], TypeVar(R)]


pcapkit.utilities.decorators.seekset() and pcapkit.utilities.decorators.beholder() are designed for decorating class methods.