Source code for pcapkit.utilities.decorators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Decorator Functions

:mod:`pcapkit.utilities.decorators` contains several useful
decorators, including :func:`~pcapkit.utilities.decorators.seekset`
and :func:`~pcapkit.utilities.decorators.beholder`.

import functools
import io
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import StructError

    from typing import Callable, Optional, TypeVar

    from typing_extensions import Concatenate, ParamSpec

    from pcapkit.protocols.protocol import Protocol

    P = ParamSpec('P')
    R = TypeVar('R')

__all__ = ['seekset', 'beholder']

[docs]def seekset(func: 'Callable[Concatenate[Protocol, P], R]') -> 'Callable[P, R]': """Read file from start then set back to original. Important: This decorator function is designed for decorating *class methods*. The decorator will keep the current offset of :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>`, then call the decorated function. Afterwards, it will rewind the offset of :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>` to the original and returns the return value from the decorated function. Note: The decorated function should have following signature:: func(self, *args, **kw) See Also: :meth:`pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._read_packet` :param func: decorated function :meta decorator: """ @functools.wraps(func) def seekcur(*args: 'P.args', **kw: 'P.kwargs') -> 'R': # extract self object self = cast('Protocol', args[0]) # move file pointer seek_cur = self._file.tell(), os.SEEK_SET) # call method return_ = func(*args, **kw) # reset file pointer, os.SEEK_SET) return return_ return seekcur
[docs]def beholder(func: 'Callable[Concatenate[Protocol, int, Optional[int], P], R]') -> 'Callable[P, R]': """Behold extraction procedure. Important: This decorator function is designed for decorating *class methods*. This decorate first keep the current offset of :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>`, then try to call the decorated function. Should any exception raised, it will re-parse the :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>` as :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw.Raw` protocol. Note: The decorated function should have following signature:: func(self, proto, length, *args, **kwargs) See Also: :meth:`pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._decode_next_layer` :param func: decorated function :meta decorator: """ @functools.wraps(func) def behold(*args: 'P.args', **kwargs: 'P.kwargs') -> 'R': # extract self object & args self = cast('Protocol', args[0]) try: length = cast('int', args[2]) except IndexError: length = None # record file pointer seek_cur = self._file.tell() try: # call method return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, StructError) and exc.eof: # pylint: disable=no-member from pcapkit.protocols.misc.null import NoPayload as protocol # isort: skip # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel else: from pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw import Raw as protocol # type: ignore[no-redef] # isort: skip # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # error = traceback.format_exc(limit=1).strip().rsplit(os.linesep, maxsplit=1)[-1] # log error #logger.error(str(exc), exc_info=exc, stack_info=DEVMODE, stacklevel=stacklevel()), os.SEEK_SET) next_ = protocol(io.BytesIO(self._read_fileng(length)), length, error=str(exc)) return cast('R', next_) return behold