TCP Datagram Reassembly

pcapkit.reassembly.tcp contains TCP_Reassembly only, which reconstructs fragmented TCP packets back to origin. The algorithm for TCP reassembly is described as below.



Data Sequence Number


TCP Acknowledgement


TCP Synchronisation Flag


TCP Finish Flag


TCP Reset Connection Flag


Buffer Identifier


Hole Discriptor List


Initial Sequence Number


source IP


destination IP


source TCP port


destination TCP port


DO {
   BUFID <- src|dst|srcport|dstport|ACK;
   IF (SYN is true) {
      IF (buffer with BUFID is allocated) {
         flush all reassembly for this BUFID;
         submit datagram to next step;

   IF (no buffer with BUFID is allocated) {
      allocate reassembly resources with BUFID;
      ISN <- DSN;
      put data from fragment into data buffer with BUFID
         [from octet fragment.first to octet fragment.last];
      update HDL;

   IF (FIN is true or RST is true) {
      submit datagram to next step;
      free all reassembly resources for this BUFID;
} give up until (next fragment);

update HDL: {
   DO {
      select the next hole descriptor from HDL;

      IF (fragment.first >= hole.first) CONTINUE.
      IF (fragment.last <= hole.first) CONTINUE.

      delete the current entry from HDL;

      IF (fragment.first >= hole.first) {
         create new entry "new_hole" in HDL;
         new_hole.first <- hole.first;
         new_hole.last <- fragment.first - 1;

      IF (fragment.last <= hole.last) {
         create new entry "new_hole" in HDL;
         new_hole.first <- fragment.last + 1;
         new_hole.last <- hole.last;
   } give up until (no entry from HDL)

The following algorithm implement is based on IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithm introduced in RFC 815. It described an algorithm dealing with RCVBT (fragment received bit table) appeared in RFC 791. And here is the process:

  1. Select the next hole descriptor from the hole descriptor list. If there are no more entries, go to step eight.

  2. If fragment.first is greater than hole.last, go to step one.

  3. If fragment.last is less than hole.first, go to step one.

  4. Delete the current entry from the hole descriptor list.

  5. If fragment.first is greater than hole.first, then create a new hole descriptor new_hole with new_hole.first equal to hole.first, and new_hole.last equal to fragment.first minus one (-1).

  6. If fragment.last is less than hole.last and fragment.more_fragments is true, then create a new hole descriptor new_hole, with new_hole.first equal to fragment.last plus one (+1) and new_hole.last equal to hole.last.

  7. Go to step one.

  8. If the hole descriptor list is now empty, the datagram is now complete. Pass it on to the higher level protocol processor for further handling. Otherwise, return.

Data Structure


Data structure for TCP datagram reassembly (reassembly()) is as following:

packet_dict = Info(
  bufid = tuple(
      ip.src,                     # source IP address
      ip.dst,                     # destination IP address
      tcp.srcport,                # source port
      tcp.dstport,                # destination port
  num = frame.number,             # original packet range number
  syn = tcp.flags.syn,            # synchronise flag
  fin = tcp.flags.fin,            # finish flag
  rst = tcp.flags.rst,            # reset connection flag
  len = tcp.raw_len,              # payload length, header excludes
  first = tcp.seq,                # this sequence number
  last = tcp.seq + tcp.raw_len,   # next (wanted) sequence number
  payload = tcp.raw,              # raw bytearray type payload

Data structure for reassembled TCP datagram (element from datagram tuple) is as following:

(tuple) datagram
 |--> (Info) data
 |     |--> 'NotImplemented' : (bool) True --> implemented
 |     |--> 'id' : (Info) original packet identifier
 |     |            |--> 'src' --> (tuple)
 |     |            |               |--> (str) ip.src
 |     |            |               |--> (int) tcp.srcport
 |     |            |--> 'dst' --> (tuple)
 |     |            |               |--> (str) ip.dst
 |     |            |               |--> (int) tcp.dstport
 |     |            |--> 'ack' --> (int) original packet ACK number
 |     |--> 'index' : (tuple) packet numbers
 |     |               |--> (int) original packet range number
 |     |--> 'payload' : (Optional[bytes]) reassembled application layer data
 |     |--> 'packets' : (Tuple[Analysis]) analysed payload
 |--> (Info) data
 |     |--> 'NotImplemented' : (bool) False --> not implemented
 |     |--> 'id' : (Info) original packet identifier
 |     |            |--> 'src' --> (tuple)
 |     |            |               |--> (str) ip.src
 |     |            |               |--> (int) tcp.srcport
 |     |            |--> 'dst' --> (tuple)
 |     |            |               |--> (str) ip.dst
 |     |            |               |--> (int) tcp.dstport
 |     |            |--> 'ack' --> (int) original packet ACK number
 |     |--> 'ack' : (int) original packet ACK number
 |     |--> 'index' : (tuple) packet numbers
 |     |               |--> (int) original packet range number
 |     |--> 'payload' : (Optional[tuple]) partially reassembled payload
 |     |                 |--> (Optional[bytes]) payload fragment
 |     |--> 'packets' : (Tuple[Analysis]) analysed payloads
 |--> (Info) data ...

Data structure for internal buffering when performing reassembly algorithms (_buffer) is as following:

(dict) buffer --> memory buffer for reassembly
 |--> (tuple) BUFID : (dict)
 |       |--> ip.src      |
 |       |--> ip.dst      |
 |       |--> tcp.srcport |
 |       |--> tcp.dstport |
 |                        |--> 'hdl' : (list) hole descriptor list
 |                        |             |--> (Info) hole --> hole descriptor
 |                        |                   |--> "first" --> (int) start of hole
 |                        |                   |--> "last" --> (int) stop of hole
 |                        |--> (int) ACK : (dict)
 |                        |                 |--> 'ind' : (list) list of reassembled packets
 |                        |                 |             |--> (int) packet range number
 |                        |                 |--> 'isn' : (int) ISN of payload buffer
 |                        |                 |--> 'len' : (int) length of payload buffer
 |                        |                 |--> 'raw' : (bytearray) reassembled payload, holes set to b'\x00'
 |                        |--> (int) ACK ...
 |                        |--> ...
 |--> (tuple) BUFID ...


class pcapkit.reassembly.tcp.TCP_Reassembly(*, strict=True)[source]

Bases: pcapkit.reassembly.reassembly.Reassembly

Reassembly for TCP payload.


>>> from pcapkit.reassembly import TCP_Reassembly
# Initialise instance:
>>> tcp_reassembly = TCP_Reassembly()
# Call reassembly:
>>> tcp_reassembly(packet_dict)
# Fetch result:
>>> result = tcp_reassembly.datagram

Reassembly procedure.


info (pcapkit.corekit.infoclass.Info) – info dict of packets to be reassembled

submit(buf, *, bufid)[source]

Submit reassembled payload.


buf (dict) – buffer dict of reassembled packets

Keyword Arguments

bufid (tuple) – buffer identifier


reassembled packets

Return type


property name

Protocol of current packet.

Return type

Literal[‘Transmission Control Protocol’]

property protocol

Protocol of current reassembly object.

Return type
