Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""RARP/DRARP - (Dynamic) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

:mod:`` contains
:class:`` only,
which implements extractor for (Dynamic) Reverse
Address Resolution Protocol (RARP/DRARP) [*]_,
whose structure is described as below:

====== ========= ========================= =========================
Octets      Bits        Name                    Description
====== ========= ========================= =========================
  0           0   ``rarp.htype``            Hardware Type
  2          16   ``rarp.ptype``            Protocol Type
  4          32   ``rarp.hlen``             Hardware Address Length
  5          40   ``rarp.plen``             Protocol Address Length
  6          48   ``rarp.oper``             Operation
  8          64   ``rarp.sha``              Sender Hardware Address
  14        112   ````              Sender Protocol Address
  18        144   ``rarp.tha``              Target Hardware Address
  24        192   ``rarp.tpa``              Target Protocol Address
====== ========= ========================= =========================

.. [*]

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pcapkit.const.reg.ethertype import EtherType as RegType_EtherType
from import ARP

    from typing_extensions import Literal

__all__ = ['RARP']

[docs]class RARP(ARP): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """This class implements Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.""" ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def id(cls) -> 'tuple[Literal["RARP"], Literal["DRARP"]]': # type: ignore[override] """Index ID of the protocol.""" return ('RARP', 'DRARP')
########################################################################## # Data models. ##########################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def __index__(cls) -> 'RegType_EtherType': # pylint: disable=invalid-index-returned """Numeral registry index of the protocol. Returns: Numeral registry index of the protocol in `IANA`_. .. _IANA: """ return RegType_EtherType.Reverse_Address_Resolution_Protocol # type: ignore[return-value]