Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""data model for IPv4 protocol"""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pcapkit.const.ipv4.option_class import OptionClass
from pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_del import ToSDelay
from pcapkit.corekit.infoclass import Info

    from datetime import datetime as dt_type
    from datetime import timedelta
    from ipaddress import IPv4Address
    from typing import Any, Optional

    from typing_extensions import Literal

    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.classification_level import ClassificationLevel
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.option_number import OptionNumber
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.protection_authority import ProtectionAuthority
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.qs_function import QSFunction
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.router_alert import RouterAlert
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_ecn import ToSECN
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_pre import ToSPrecedence
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_rel import ToSReliability
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_thr import ToSThroughput
    from pcapkit.const.ipv4.ts_flag import TSFlag
    from pcapkit.const.reg.transtype import TransType
    from pcapkit.corekit.multidict import OrderedMultiDict

__all__ = [

    'ToSField', 'Flags',

    'UnassignedOption', 'EOOLOption', 'NOPOption',
    'SECOption', 'LSROption', 'TSOption',
    'ESECOption', 'RROption', 'SIDOption',
    'SSROption', 'MTUPOption', 'MTUROption',
    'TROption', 'RTRALTOption', 'QSOption',

[docs]class ToSField(Info): """Data model for IPv4 ToS fields. Important: Due to the preserved keyword conflict, please use :meth:`from_dict` to create an instance of this data model. """ #: Precedence. pre: 'ToSPrecedence' #: Delay. #del: 'ToSDelay' #: Throughput. thr: 'ToSThroughput' #: Reliability. rel: 'ToSReliability' #: Explicit congestion notification (ECN). ecn: 'ToSECN' def __new__(cls, *args: 'Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'ToSField': self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # NOTE: We cannot define ``del`` due to preserved keyword conflict. # Thus, we directly inject the information into the annotations. self.__annotations__['del'] = ToSDelay # pylint: disable=no-member return self # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs]class Flags(Info): """Data model for IPv4 Flags.""" #: Don't fragment. df: 'bool' #: More fragments. mf: 'bool' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, df: 'bool', mf: 'bool') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class IPv4(Info): """Data model for IPv4 packet.""" #: Version. version: 'Literal[4]' #: Internet header length. hdr_len: 'int' #: Type of services. tos: 'ToSField' #: Total length. len: 'int' #: Identification. id: 'int' #: Flags. flags: 'Flags' #: Fragment offset. offset: 'int' #: Time to live. ttl: 'timedelta' #: Protocol. protocol: 'TransType' #: Header checksum. checksum: 'bytes' #: Source address. src: 'IPv4Address' #: Destination address. dst: 'IPv4Address' if TYPE_CHECKING: options: 'OrderedMultiDict[OptionNumber, Option]' def __init__(self, version: 'Literal[4]', hdr_len: 'int', tos: 'ToSField', len: 'int', id: 'int', flags: 'Flags', offset: 'int', ttl: 'timedelta', protocol: 'TransType', checksum: 'bytes', src: 'IPv4Address', dst: 'IPv4Address') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class OptionType(Info): """Data model for IPv4 option type data.""" #: Change flag. change: 'bool' #: Option class. #class: 'int' #: Number. number: 'int' def __new__(cls, *args: 'Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'OptionType': self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # NOTE: We cannot define ``class`` due to preserved keyword conflict. # Thus, we directly inject the information into the annotations. self.__annotations__['class'] = OptionClass # pylint: disable=no-member return self # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs]class Option(Info): """Data model for IPv4 options.""" #: Option code. code: 'OptionNumber' #: Option length. length: 'int' #: Option type. type: 'OptionType'
[docs]class UnassignedOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 unassigned option.""" #: Option data. data: 'bytes' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', data: 'bytes') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class EOOLOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 End of Option List (``EOOL``) option.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class NOPOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 No Operation (``NOP``) option.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class SECOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Security (``SEC``) option.""" #: Classification level. level: 'ClassificationLevel' #: Protection authority flags. flags: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[ProtectionAuthority, bool]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', level: 'ClassificationLevel', flags: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[ProtectionAuthority, bool]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class LSROption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Loose Source Route (``LSR``) option.""" #: Pointer. pointer: 'int' #: Route. route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', pointer: 'int', route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class TSOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Time Stamp (``TS``) option.""" #: Pointer. pointer: 'int' #: Overflow. overflow: 'int' #: Flag. flag: 'TSFlag' #: Timestamp data. timestamp: 'Optional[bytes | tuple[dt_type, ...] | OrderedMultiDict[IPv4Address, dt_type]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', pointer: 'int', overflow: 'int', flag: 'TSFlag', timestamp: 'Optional[bytes | tuple[dt_type, ...] | OrderedMultiDict[IPv4Address, dt_type]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class ESECOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Extended Security (``ESEC``) option.""" #: Classification level. level: 'ClassificationLevel' #: Protection authority flags. flags: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[ProtectionAuthority, bool]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', level: 'ClassificationLevel', flags: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[ProtectionAuthority, bool]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class RROption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Record Route (``RR``) option.""" #: Pointer. pointer: 'int' #: Route. route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', pointer: 'int', route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class SIDOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Stream ID (``SID``) option.""" #: Stream ID. sid: 'int' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', sid: 'int') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class SSROption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Strict Source Route (``SSR``) option.""" #: Pointer. pointer: 'int' #: Route. route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', pointer: 'int', route: 'Optional[tuple[IPv4Address, ...]]') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class MTUPOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 MTU Probe (``MTUP``) option.""" #: MTU. mtu: 'int' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', mtu: 'int') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class MTUROption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 MTU Reply (``MTUR``) option.""" #: MTU. mtu: 'int' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', mtu: 'int') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class TROption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Traceroute (``TR``) option. Important: Due to the preserved keyword conflict, please use :meth:`from_dict` to create an instance of this data model. """ #: ID number. id: 'int' #: Outbound hop count. outbound: 'int' #: Return hop count. #return: 'int' originator: 'IPv4Address' def __new__(cls, *args: 'Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'TROption': self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # NOTE: We cannot define ``return`` due to preserved keyword conflict. # Thus, we directly inject the information into the annotations. self.__annotations__['return'] = int # pylint: disable=no-member return self # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs]class RTRALTOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Router Alert (``RTRALT``) option.""" #: Router alert. alert: 'RouterAlert' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', alert: 'RouterAlert') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called,multiple-statements,line-too-long,redefined-builtin
[docs]class QSOption(Option): """Data model for IPv4 Quick Start (``QS``) option.""" #: QS function. func: 'QSFunction' #: Rate request/report. rate: 'int' #: TTL. ttl: 'Optional[timedelta]' #: Nounce. nounce: 'int' if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, code: 'OptionNumber', length: 'int', type: 'OptionType', func: 'QSFunction', rate: 'int', ttl: 'Optional[timedelta]', nounce: 'int') -> 'None': ... # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,unused-argument,redefined-builtin,multiple-statements,line-too-long