Source code for pcapkit.protocols.application.ftp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""file transfer protocol

:mod:`pcapkit.protocols.application.ftp` contains
:class:`~pcapkit.protocols.application.ftp.FTP` only,
which implements extractor for File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) [*]_.

.. [*]

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pcapkit.const.ftp.command import Command
from pcapkit.const.ftp.return_code import ReturnCode
from pcapkit.protocols.application.application import Application
from import FTP as DataType_FTP
from import Request as DataType_Request
from import Response as DataType_Response
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import ProtocolError, UnsupportedCall

    from typing import Any, NoReturn, Optional

    from typing_extensions import Literal

__all__ = ['FTP']

[docs]class FTP(Application[DataType_FTP]): """This class implements File Transfer Protocol.""" ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## @property def name(self) -> 'Literal["File Transfer Protocol"]': """Name of current protocol.""" return 'File Transfer Protocol' @property def length(self) -> 'NoReturn': """Header length of current protocol. Raises: UnsupportedCall: This protocol doesn't support :attr:`length`. """ raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'length'") ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] def read(self, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'DataType_FTP': # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Read File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Args: length: Length of packet data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Parsed packet data. Raises: ProtocolError: If the packet is malformed. """ if length is None: length = len(self) byte = self._read_fileng(length) if (not byte.endswith(b'\r\n')) or (len(byte.splitlines()) > 1): raise ProtocolError('FTP: invalid format') text = self.decode(byte.strip()) if TYPE_CHECKING: pref: 'int | str' ftp: 'DataType_Request | DataType_Response' if re.match(r'^\d{3}', text): pref = int(text[:3]) try: flag = text[3] == '-' except IndexError: flag = False suff = text[4:] or None code = ReturnCode.get(pref) ftp = DataType_Response( type='response', code=code, arg=suff, mf=flag, raw=byte, ) else: temp = text.split(maxsplit=1) if len(temp) == 2: pref, suff = temp else: pref, suff = text, None cmmd = Command[pref] ftp = DataType_Request( type='request', command=cmmd, arg=suff, raw=byte, ) return ftp
[docs] def make(self, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'NoReturn': """Make (construct) packet data. Args: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed packet data. """ raise NotImplementedError